(最終更新日:2024-09-11 10:06:22)
  カイ タカヒコ   KAI TAKAHIKO
   所属   医学部医学科 循環器内科
   職種   助教
■ 学術雑誌
1. 原著  Cardiac power output is associated with adverse outcomes in patients with preserved ejection fraction after transcatheter aortic valve implantation. 2024/05
2. その他  Enhanced hemodynamic performance of a new-generation 23-mm balloon-expandable transcatheter heart valve. 2024/02
3. 原著  Prevalence and clinical outcomes of noncardiac surgery after transcatheter aortic valve replacement. 2024/01
4. 原著  Safety and feasibility of zero-contrast transcatheter aortic valve implantation using balloon-expandable valves in patients with aortic stenosis and severe renal impairment: A single-center study. 2024/01
5. 原著  Preprocedural controlling nutritional status score as a predictor of mortality in patients undergoing transcatheter mitral valve repair -A single center experience in Japan. 2023/12
■ 学会発表
1. 経カテーテル的大動脈弁置換術後にStanford B型急性大動脈解離を発症し急性腎障害となった1例 (ポスター,一般) 2024/09/28
2. 急性心筋梗塞と脳梗塞の同時発症で治療順序の決定に苦慮した1例 (口頭発表,一般) 2024/09/07
3. Impact of atrial fibrillation on progression of tricuspid regurgitation in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement (ポスター,一般) 2024/08/30
4. 重症大動脈弁狭窄症、低心機能を合併した透析患者に対するIVLを使用したCHIP インターベンションの一例 (口頭発表,一般) 2024/07/26
5. Acute heart failure with severe aortic valve stenosis in acute phase of cerebral hemorrhage: a case report (ポスター,一般) 2024/07/25